About Us


We want to create a space where people are free to encounter God

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Our Vision and Mission

We believe that following Jesus with all our hearts and the little that we have, we can make a difference and bring the hope of Jesus into hopeless places. We want to create a space where people are free to encounter God, to be delivered and live a transformed and empowered life through the mighty work of the cross and obedience to the Holy Spirit. We believe in a holistic gospel that reaches out to the poor and needy with practical help. We work with homeless, refugees and people in need of material and spiritual support. Our activities are: providing humanitarian help to the needy, inspiring christians to live a missions lifestyle and seek deeper relationship with Jesus through worship, prayer, fasting, studying the Bible.

Who we are?

We are a christian missions base in Krakow who is a part of international missions organisation Iris Global started by Heidi and Rolland Baker.

The beginnings of our base in Krakow, Poland were founded on visions and dreams received by the people involved in Iris Global.

Many years ago, Pastor Surpresa Sithole received from the Lord a word to pray for Poland, a remote country in Europe daily. He did that in faith for about two years without knowing the reasons, expecting God to move in that place.

Some years later, a group of missionaries and pastors from Poland reached South Africa and stayed in the house of missionary Siyabonga Mofele, planting in him an impression to be led and go to Poland to preach the gospel to the Polish nation.

In the meanwhile in Poland, there was a small group who gathered weekly in the houses to pray for revival in Poland. A part of this group was Dominika Wrona (Mofele) who later left to Mozambique for Iris Harvest School of Missions where she would meet her future husband, Siyabonga.

After getting married in 2018, they settled in Krakow, Poland and started praying for whatever the Lord had in store for them and joined a small group of 4-6 praying women to seek the Lord and His presence.

After 2 years of prayer and fasting, the group expanded and the Lord started bringing missionaries from other European countries to sow into the new-born ministry in Poland, which in 2022, became an Iris Global base in Krakow.

The two pillars of our work

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.


Mission activities

Street Church

Every week on Sunday we are a part of Street Church in Krakow. We meet at the main bus station to preach the gospel, worship, distribute clothes, food and hot tea to the hungry. We pray for the sick and needy.

Street Outreach

We organise outreaches in the Main City Square in Krakow where thousands of tourists and locals can hear about the transforming power of the cross in many languages. The purpose of the outreach is to proclaim Jesus as King over Krakow.


Every week on Friday we gather to pray and worship together, as we host a discipleship group in our base. We share life together and encourage each other to seek and know Jesus more and more every day.


We minister weekly in a local christian home for people delivered from homelessness and other life crises. We pray with them, lead them to the Lord, help them grow in their relationship with Jesus, conduct Bible studies and provide support them in their personal life struggles.


We provide accommodation and support to Ukrainian families that fled the war. We help them to integrate into polish society and preach the gospel through practical activities, such as food and accommodation programs, child care activities and others.

Mission Trips to Ukraine

We organise regular mission trips to support local ministries in various regions of Ukraine as they serve the people affected by the war.